Sunday, 31 August 2008

This is embarrassing !!! :)

Hello everyone , here's a photo of me that Daddy is keeping for my 21st birthday. It's me pushing a pink pram and i wanted to push it. Mammy tried to pickme up while i was pushing and i was not happy..... i can throw a good tantrum when i don;t get my way..... i've started early !!!
This picture was taken in Galway at my Uncle Tony and Helen's place and i was pushing my cousin Caoimhe's pram. thanks for the lend of the pram , but i'm not sure Daddy would buy me one of these !!!
this was one of my long walks and that was ages ago. I'm now walking full time and having plenty of tumbles , new bruises and war wounds ......
Mammy has bought me a pair of gumboots ( wellies for those in Ireland and don;t know what gumboots are !!! ) and i love walking out in the garden. i try to help Daddy in the garden , but i'm not sure he appreciates my help. he smiles , but i know that he doesn't appreciate me pulling up his plants - they all look like weeds to me !!!! :)
Mammy bought me an indoor playhouse which i can climb in and out of and there is a slippery dip on it which i can climb up on ....but only when mammy or daddy is there with me.
i can't wait for the summer when i can bring all my toys outside and play out there a lot more ...
Daddy's camera is broke so hopefully soon he'll get his bum in gear and get it fixed so i can post some photos so you can all see how cute i am now , akthough i do need a haircut, mammy !!!! :)
some people call me a little girl - now thats emabrrassing !!!
hope everyone is keeping well and hugs and kisses to everyone !!