Saturday 24 January 2009

i'm in charge !!!!!

Hello everyone..... i'm was getting a bit tired of Daddy's laziness in not updating my blog, so i decided to take things into my own hands and try it myself ,
as you can see , i have the whole setup , headphones as well although there was no-one to talk to ....
i tried to update the blog , but then i realised that i didn;t have the login to do it , so i had to give up and let Dada do it , whenever he got off his butt to do it.
Well enough about him and more about me !!!!!
My favourite word at the moment is "NO" and i certainly use it a lot. I don't really say Yes , i just don't say NO !! its all a game , trying to keep mammy and Daddy on their toes.....which i certainly do .
i still wake up during the night , and sometimes dont want Mammy to leave me , so they have to give me a bottle to get me back to sleep -- hehe , i just love a bottle in the middle of the night !!
However i think they are starting to get a bit fed up with it and so may not play along with it for much longer.
I'm still growing and growing out of my cool clothes. mammy keeps having to check all my clothes to make sure that i dont have any stored away that would fit me now.
Mammy gave me an old kangaroo skin that she had when she was young ,and i love fact i love the feel of it on my skin - it's really soft ..... i'm sure the kangaroo was not too pushed abput the fact of being a rug ....... but its too late now !!!!
i'll get the ould chap to update this again soon with some better pictures
hope you are all keepng well ..... :)