Sunday 24 June 2007

Hello from Cold melbourne

Hello everyone

again it's been a while since i've written here. I've been to the maternal helath nurse again for my regular checkup and they stripped be bollock naked again and weighed me - 6.03Kg i am in the normal weight range - my head size is slightly smaller than average - quality not quantity !!

I've got a bit of Skull Cap - flaky scalp - it's not good for impressing the ladies.
At mammy's mothers group there mostly other girl babies there - i check them out and see what they're like - it'll be a few years before i'm chasing them !!! Daddy is proud of me for checking them out !!

I've been travelling up with Mammy and Daddy to Woodend where they're looking at buying a new house - i checked out some new houses - but i didn't have much to say , in fact it was boring , so i slept thru it !! when i did have something to say , it was only to say that i was hungry !
Well a boy has got to eat !!!

I went to see Daddy playing rugby last Saturday. I cheered and cheered for him , but then mammy said that he wasn't even on the pitch yet !! but i cheered anyways !
daddy played well , except that he fumbled the ball , when he should have scored - Hope i am better than Daddy !

it's late and it's bath time. i've puked all over myself today , so i badly need a bath. so does mammy , as i always seem to get her as well !!

hugs and kisses !


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