Saturday 31 March 2007

Here's a family shot , again taken by Jane Ollerenshaw.

According to Victoria , Liam has got my frown. You can see him here giving the frown a good work-out.

He mustn't like other people in his photos !!

Liam is eating well so he's a typical callaghan boy. He is a quiet child , once he's fed and cleaned and sleeps quite well.

He hardly cries at all, until yesterday when he finally did cry and we were actually relieved that he did so, but he only cried for a few seconds.

He's a great traveller , never a squeak out of him if we put him in the buggy or the capsule in the car.

more updates later - when there's more to report about !! :)


Anonymous said...

I agree the frown is definatly not a kirkby ha ha keep it coming.


Ray Fallon said...

Paddy, don't be relieved that hey cry. Once the colic arrives, you'll know all about it! Our little fella is not so bad with crying, but when he's colicky, he can raise the roof.